
الثلاثاء، 10 أكتوبر 2017

JOURNAUX JUIFS DE JERBA , jadis الصحف العبرية في جربة ماضيا

https://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/38315947_collection-of-rare-periodicals-djerba-tunis Rabbinical monthly journal edited by R' Shlomo Mazuz, Djerba, [1935]. 13 booklets € all that were printed. Torah journal dedicated to spreading Torah amongst Djerba yeshiva students. Articles by Djerba rabbis € along with articles from the rabbis of Eretz Yisrael, Europe and even the United States. Rare set. Colored jacket for each issue. Very fine condition. * HaShoshana. Monthly journal for Torah, halacha and aggada, published by a group of yeshiva students € Yeshivot Ohr Torah in Djerba, Tunisia. [1955]. First year, booklets 2-11 [possibly missing a number of leaves in the middle]. Includes an interesting article regarding Yom Ha'atzmaut. 12 booklets were printed. A number of leaves are torn. Moderate-fine condition. * Yarchon Keter Torah. Edited by Bugid Sa'adon. Djerba. [1939]. 2 booklets. Second year: booklet 1, booklet 12. Fine condition.

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